Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Little Claras

These are photos from Solana and Lucia's winter dance recital (which was toy themed--so of course there was some Nutcracker ;]!). They were so cute and pretty!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hoppin' Halloween

Me & Mini-Me (aka my student teacher, Eric);
we dressed up as each other for Halloween.

Nick & Mini-Pumpkin

Me & My Mini Hip-Hop Sneakers
(Boys size 4)

Birthday Girls

Birthday bouquet from my mom and dad--who were in Spain
(buying me Flamenco shoes, fans, castanets, etc. :])!


(We decorated the gazebo--fancy, eh?)

Bryan-David finally burst the pinata--
and broke one of the wooden golf clubs!

Daddy's Girl

Begonia LOVES her daddy.

Begonia had 2 separate surgeries to fix each knee.
Here she sports the second cast (the first one was pink :])!
She recovered so quickly (and each knee takes 12 weeks to heal)
and is now bouncing from couch to couch!
We are so grateful that she is healthy!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Harry Potter Homecoming

As a teacher, Sara loves participating in dress-up days; for Rocky's Harry Potter themed Homecoming, Sara especially enjoyed Glasses Day, Luna Lovegood Day and House Day (for the last, Sara wore professorial black and make-up to represent all the house colors: red, blue, yellow and green).

No More Marachino

Nick finally said good-bye to his very first car: a 1994 Subaru Impreza Sara named "Marachino." It faithfully ferried Nick through high school, college and the first two years of graduate school (and Sara's mom while we were in RI!). Nick's parents generously offered us their 1996 Oldsmobile (it's like driving a couch!) when Marachino misbehaved. But Marachino will be missed and remembered! Nick now cruises Fort Collins in what was originally Nick's grandparents' car--we have named her "Audrey Jo" in their honor, and she's a beaut!

The Last of Summer

We spent a long weekend at the end of Summer with Nick's family at Matt's cabin along the Anthracite River near Crested Butte. We ate delicious meals (including yummy homemade ice cream), took lovely walks/hikes (Maggie was determined to see a bear!), caught small fish (it was Nick's first time fly fishing!) and visited picturesque Crested Butte together!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Once More (and Always) to the Lake!

We were lucky to visit Higgins Lake, Michigan, again this summer (Sara's favorite place in the world!). Aunt Kitty and Uncle Lutz hosted all of the Blakelys this year!
In the 1960s, National Geographic ranked Higgins Lake
the 6th most beautiful lake in the world;
the color and clarity are mesmerizing!

Sara grooming Lighteningette;
riding was a favorite morning activity!
Kitty and Lutz taught Sara and Nick how to trot and post :].

Solana, Lucia and Justy came, too, of course!
Reading and talking on the covered porch
was yet another favorite activity.

There is little that compares to a gorgeous Michigan sunset.

Bryan-David and his lovely ladies!

Even going to bed was fun--more reading :]!

Synchronized Sibling Cereal Eating!
(Eating was another favorite activity;
Nick, Lindsay and Kitty are the best chefs!)

Lucia LOVES the water;
she and Solana chased the waves with Tia Sara!

Solana and Cousin/Uncle Tooey drown Sara.

Lucia also liked painting her nails with Tia!

Jason and Lindsay came to Higgins this time!!!

Bryan-David, the best big brother, took Sara on the jet ski!
We accompanied Sara's father on a 1.5-mile swim to the island!!!

More fun with Uncle Tooey!

All of the family in the water (even Sara's mom, Sonia!)

We celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary!
It was PERFECT--not only because we honeymooned in Michigan,
but also because Lindsay and Justy made us
Banana-&-PB cupcakes, which we enjoyed with champagne!

Putt-putting at Pirate's Cove--another Michigan tradition!

Michigan is Magical!!!

We kayaked along the captivating Au Sable river!
(We didn't capsize, though ;]!)

B-D, Justy and the girls entertained us
with a Mary Poppins production!
It was complete with songs, costumes and sets!

We went in the lake EVERY DAY--even the day it rained!
It was, as Sara promised, magical.

We went kayaking again with Tooey and his girlfriend, Morgan!

Sara chauffeured Nick on the jet ski
while everyone else went on the pontoon
to wade in the ice-cold spring that is Higgins Lake's source!

On our way home!